B2B Contact List
B2B Contact list is the list of professionals’ right from Managers to CVD personals from different divisions of from all industries. At TrifleTech we manage around 60 million B2B contacts. That very data can be filtered depending on
- Revenue size of the company
- Employee size of the company
- Geo locations
- Industry specification or SIC code
- Titles
We can also help you in customize your data search to meet the specific requirements for your business growth. We have a strong hold in following industries
- Automotive
- Biotechnology
- Education
- Energy, oil and Gas
- Finance and Banking
- Healthcare
- IT
- Logistics
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Real Estate
- Travel and Hospitality
Connect with our Data experts to discuss more on the best contact list for your business and don’t forget to take your sample contacts from your target group.
Schedule a call and get sample contacts from your choice of Target Audience.